Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Howl-o-ween~!

*howls* Happy Howl-o-ween, fellow furry and not so furry friends!

Would love to join in any Howl-o-ween pawty if there's any, altho I'm not looking forward to wearing those weird costumes. My human tried to wrap tissue paper around me after powdering my face with baby powder.

*blows raspberries* No-wayee la. Lucky Chelsea fatty bom bom come and rip the toilet paper to shreds. My human was so frustrated before Chelsea made a biiiig mess in her room.

Serves her right. My human's suppose to post Chelsea's puppy pics but she say since it's Howl-o-ween tonight, she wanted to post some cute (and weird) furkid costumes today. Chelsea's pouting already from the lack of attention but my human promise us each a big juicy porky bone bone later this weekend to make up to us for not going to the KKB trip.

Aaaah, I don't care as long as I get my paws on the bone bone. *woof*

Okie, here's the pictures, as promised by my ms.owner ( pics courtesy of ) :

Rawr! Dont-a disturb-a me when I'm-a feeding! - Vampire Dwog
Roger Captain! Target chicken meatball within range. Closing in for the kill! - Pilot Dwog

Arrr matey, me name is Pirate Dwag - Pirate Dwog

Captain Jack Sparrow's Dog, Jack Dwag reporting in for duty - Pirate Dwog 2

Be afraid. Be very afraid - Croc Dwog

Wassup peeps? - Jimi Hendrix Dwog

Dog : ..... *speechless and expression-less* - Knifed Dwog

Embrace the dark side of the Force - Dog Vader

The Force is strong in you.... - Yoda Dwog

I'm bringing Sexy Back. Watch out, J-Timberlake! - Sexy Dwog

Together : "We're Lovin It!!" - McD Dwogs

Hot Dwogs, Hot Dwogs fresh from the over! Ketchup or Mustard? - Hot Dwogs

Introducing my personal fav....


Prince said...

Hahaha, so sad ur owner cant upload picture... I tot she is IT expert ? *shake head* Maybe should call some IT guys come and help ur owner :)

Anonymous said...

What la? Problem with la, not my owner's fault. The testing pic is only 40kb and small size only also won't show up.

Prince ar, u don't laugh at my human. Later I dogzilla kick u


Amber-Mae said...

Oh Blogger have some problem sometimes...Just a week ago, Blogger was soooo teruk till you can't so anything at all!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Amber-Mae is the best. She knows what happen de, unlike someone... *whistles*

Prince said...

Hei you talking my pappy izzit? hahaha nice picture